
Make API

The Make API allows you to generate a new PDF or image from an imported Make template.

Not sure how to make a template? Check out this handy guide.


Sync Method

In most cases the Make API can be called synchronously to return a result in 30 seconds.


Headers & Authorization

Content-Type (required)application/jsonThe content type should always be JSON
X-MAKE-API-KEY (required)stringA Make API Key must be sent with the POST request. A key can be generated from the template dashboard or on the Team Settings page.

Request Structure

const apiUrl = ''
const { body } = await fetch(apiUrl, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: {
"size": "A4",
"format": "pdf",
"data": {
"headline": "Hello World"
"postProcessing": {
"optimize": false
}).then(res => res.json())


200 - Success
"resultUrl": "",
400 - Bad Request
"0": {
"target": {
"size": "A14",
"format": "pdf",
"data": {
"headline": "Hello World"
"value": "A14",
"property": "size",
"children": [],
"constraints": {
"isEnum": "size must be a valid enum value"
"statusCode": 400


Async Method

In some cases template generations may take longer than 30 seconds (which is the timeout limit for the sync Make Asset endpoint). In these events you can use the asynchronous Make Asset call.

Request processing will run in the background and will be delivered to the webhookUrl (specified in the initial request). Or you can call the Status API to check the status at anytime.


Headers & Authorization

Content-Type (required)application/jsonThe content type should always be JSON
X-MAKE-API-KEY (required)stringA Make API Key must be sent with the POST request. A key can be generated from the template dashboard or on the Team Settings page.

Request Structure

const apiUrl = ''
const { body } = await fetch(apiUrl, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: {
"size": "A4",
"format": "pdf",
"webhookUrl": "https://...",
"webhookState": "CustomWebhookState",
"data": {
"headline": "Hello World"
"postProcessing": {
"optimize": false
}).then(res => res.json())


200 - Success
"requestId": "93a370af-52ac-48e0-990a-af4a23ec56d2",
"templateId": "94a16a59-fcde-45aa-b999-218b960d51fb",
"statusUrl": ""
400 - Bad Request
"0": {
"target": {
"size": "A14",
"format": "pdf",
"data": {
"headline": "Hello World"
"value": "A14",
"property": "size",
"children": [],
"constraints": {
"isEnum": "size must be a valid enum value"
"statusCode": 400


If you have specified the webhookUrl and webhookState in your request, upon finalization of the request, Make will perform a POST request to the specified webhookUrl.

Your webhook handler must:

  • Accept a POST request containing JSON data in the request body.
  • Return a response within 5 seconds, otherwise Make will time out the request.
  • Return a response with a 200 or 2xx status code to indicate that the webhook has been processed.

This is an example of what you will receive via your webhook from a successful result.

200 - Post to webhook
"state": "ThisIsYourSpecifiedWebHookState",
"resultUrl": "",
"requestId": "c421311a-5eb2-4480-9176-aef9e6152a6f",
"status": "succeeded",
"logs": [
"timestamp": 1609300378812,
"message": "Start rendering for request c421311a-5eb2-4480-9176-aef9e6152a6f"
"timestamp": 1609300380719,
"message": "Passing template data to template {\"headline\":\"Headline\"}"
"timestamp": 1609300380856,
"message": "DOMContentLoaded in 137ms"
"timestamp": 1609300381365,
"message": "Page finished in 646ms"
"timestamp": 1609300381438,
"message": "Uploading result..."
"timestamp": 1609300381548,
"message": "Result uploaded in 110ms"


Dynamic Method

You can also generate assets using a GET request instead of a POST request so you can send / share the URL easier.



For each template a unique :generated-hmac will be created, instead of using MAKE-API-KEY's (used for POST Make Asset requests) so that when sharing the GET URL no API key is compromised.

The :generated-hmac was created to allow for easy and secure sharing via URL, without the need for authorization headers and without the risk of compromising secret API keys.

Request Structure

GET[headline]=Hello World


200 - Success
400 - Bad Request
"0": {
"target": {
"size": "A14",
"format": "pdf",
"data": {
"headline": "Hello World"
"value": "A14",
"property": "size",
"children": [],
"constraints": {
"isEnum": "size must be a valid enum value"
"statusCode": 400


All methods (Sync, Async and Dynamic) share the same parameters. The body of the request is made up of 5 key groups of parameters.

  • size or customSize you want the asset to be. (required)
  • format of the generated asset. (required)
  • data you want to send to the template before generating the asset.
  • postProcessing options on the generated asset.

There are also a range of other parameters available as well.

size & customSize

The size of the asset can be determined by either the size paramater which accepts a string or a customSize which you can define a custom object of width, height and unit.

"size": "A4",
"customSize": {
"width": 1000,
"height": 500,
"unit": "px"
size (required)stringSupported sizes:
  • A0
  • A1
  • A2
  • A3
  • A4
  • A5
  • A6
  • DL
customSize (required)objectwidth: number
height: number
unit: string

Unit options:
  • px
  • pt
  • in
  • mm
  • cm

unit is case sensitive and should be written in lowercase.


The format specifies what the template will be generated into. Depending on the format type, generation times may vary.

"format": "PDF"
format (required)stringformat is case sensitive and should be written in lowercase.

Supported formats:
  • "pdf"
  • "png"
  • "jpg"


Based on the format there are available a range of post processing parameters that can be used to augment the generated asset.

"postProcessing": {
"optimize": true,
"targetDPI": 72
optimizebooleanPDF PNG JPGOptimization may create a longer generation time. For PDF, by default raster elements will be optimized to 72 DPI.

Default: true
targetDPInumberPDFDetermines a custom the optimization ceiling for raster elements. For print documents it is suggested to use 300

  • 72
  • 150
  • 192
  • 250
  • 300
  • 600

Default: 72

The optimize parameter must be set to true for this to apply.
colorSpacestringPDFWill convert all PDF objects to the chosen color space.

  • rgb
  • cmyk

Default: rgb

colorSpace is case sensitive and should be written in lowercase.
colorProfilestringPDFDetermines the CMYK color profile. Default is USWebCoatedSWOP.

See here for a full list of available color profiles.
colorMappingarrayPDFSpecify an RGB color to map to a specific CMYK or spot separation color. This will not apply to raster elements.

See here for a full guide on color mapping.
cropBoxstringPDFDefines the region that the PDF viewer is expected to display or print.

Default: (0, 0, 0, 0)
trimBoxstringPDFDefines the intended dimensions for print.

Default: (0, 0, 0, 0)

Learn more about crop and trim boxes here


The data object allows you to send custom data to the window of the imported template. Have a look here to see how you can prep your template to accept custom data.

"data": {
"headline": "Hello World",
"list": [
dataJSONSend any custom data to the template.

Other Optional Parameters
"fileName": "custom-file-name",
"contentDisposition": "attachment"
fileNamestringProvide the newly generated asset with a custom filename. By default a UUID name will be generated.

fileName can only include the following characters:
  • A - Z, a - z
  • 0 - 9
  • -, _

The extension should not be included in the fileName.
contentDispositionstringDetermines the way in which the asset will be returned to your application.

  • attachment
  • inline

Default: inline
expiresAtstringCan set a custom expiry for the asset. Supplied as an ISO date and time string. eg. 2021-11-13T20:20:39+00:00

Default: generated timestamp, valid for 12 hours
allowTransparencybooleanSpecifies if the png output will support transparency. This option is only available to png format.

Default: false (will include a white background)

format must be png for this to work.
draftWatermarkUrlstringWill accept a public url of an image asset and overlay that over the generated artwork on generation.
webhookUrl (optional) (async only)stringThe URL to the webhook that listens to POST requests.
webhookState (optional) (async only)stringThe secret string shared with the webhook that allows Make to POST results to the webhook.

It is suggested that the webhookState is at least 20 characters long and includes an array of numbers, letters and characters.


API Reference


Status API